Monday, March 4, 2013

Rising Criminality in Cagayan de Oro

Criminality in CDO is on the rise.  A Facebook group has already posted a list of criminal incidents in CDO for the past months.  This does not include the criminal activities of gay swindlers mentioned in this blog.

Xavier University students recently initiated a noise barrage every noon time in front of their campus.  This is to call the attention of City Hall and the Police to do something about the rising criminality in the city.  There have been students from XU who were robbed and killed by these criminals.  (

Cagayan de Oro is becoming a chaotic city.  It saddens me that the city that I love and care is slowly being overrun by thugs and criminals.  We have to stand up and tell our government that enough is enough!  We need change!  We need a new CDO that is safe and orderly!

1 comment:

marvinmendoza said...

support ako jan kasi alma mater ko yan xu....veritas