Friday, June 8, 2012

AIDS monument in Hong Kong

In my last visit to Hong Kong, I was finally able to roam around Tsim Sa Tsui area and visit Kowloon Park.  It was a nice park, well landscaped and clean.   Tucked in the park corner, I saw a familiar figure.  It was a sculpture done by Hong Kong artist Van Lau and was named the "Ribbon".  It was basically dedicated to the fight against HIV AIDS.
The ribbons were shaped in the small letter L ( ) which stands for "Love", the international symbol of love and concern to people with HIV AIDS.  The two ribbons intertwine to form a heart shape and binding us together in the fight against the spread of HIV AIDS around the world.
It is such a moving sculpture that I hope other cities around the world would do the same.  
Again, I appeal to everyone to join me in this fight against HIV AIDS and practice safe sex.


 See other DiscreetBai articles related to HIV AIDS

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